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IT’s FEBRUARY! A heart-healthy month we just LOVE!



This is a LOVELY month!

Each February we look forward to focusing more on what we love… one of those things happens to be YOU.

If you haven’t tried the February flavor Chocolate Cherry Chia, this is a great time to do so!   We will be running a special through Valentine’s Day, FREE SHIPPING on all orders of our flavor of the month!  Just put in the coupon code cccFreeShip when ordering. = more information!

A few fun and important SUPERfood tips:
* Chia seeds have more calcium than dairy products.
* Chia seeds are high in antioxidants which help reduce oxidative stress on the body which causes aging.
* Chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3’s which help lower your risk for heart disease.
* Maca is a root that belongs to the radish family. Sometimes known as “Peruvian ginseng”, it has been known to increase energy and stamina, also balancing out your mood.

This just in:
When you find yourself in need of a nosh,  our bars are available at the new and amazing Flagship Commons. (YUM!)  In the upper level Westroads food hall you will find us at Clever Greens.   Our bars are also available at Karma Koffee (156th & Dodge)! #fyi

Happy February, Noshfans!

Jill & Bruce Lemen
Eat Clean!

Try every flavor!

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