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Summer Vibes!!

Oh, how we LOVE our summertime!
We fondly remember our weekends at the Farmers Markets, meeting so many wonderful people who then became Noshfans and still love our products from the first bite:) The long cool mornings that would turn into sweltering noontimes. We have not done the markets for a couple of seasons, however we remain busy enough with orders and production, marketing and networking that it continues to be a fun-loving family business filled with Love.
Currently, we are doing online orders with free local delivery, as always… and many of our Noshfans will just text me for their order and I will deliver that day. (we use Venmo for quick easy transactions!)
Our Chocolate Cherry Chia is a feature flavor for the summer months. So many fans have been requesting it that we made the change from the February flavor to SUMMER!
If you have any flavor ideas please reach out, we are open to fun and tasty suggestions in our R&D department :)

Another summer favorite is family birthdays… Today is my birthday, which I love to celebrate! I will be heading up NORTH to Wisconsin for a relaxing 2 week vacation, which means I wont be able to deliver orders until August 9.
My absolute favorite place in up north on the lake with family and lake friends. I am an early riser and it’s not uncommon for me to be sitting by the water with my coffee and devotional books, listening to loons and baby eagles singing in the distance as the sun comes up… what a glorious scene!
We are thankful and count each of you a blessing as we reflect on our years doing business with NoshSense!
We wish you a happy, fun summer!

Try every flavor!

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