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Thankfulness, Love, and light!

November is time to really let the gratitude muscle do some work… making lists of what we are thankful for, seeing all the things around us and in us that make a difference in the world, and just saying “thank you” more often. I love November. As we move out of the warmer months and into the cold, sometimes I miss the flip-flops and tank tops but I love the leaves turning and the Holidays approaching. This season simply reminds me of all my gifts. Here are a few that pop into my mind:
My husband (he is the greatest and most inspiring person I know!)
My kids (who knew I’d be a mom to twins? They are the best kids!)
My family (renewed and restored relationships are proven miracles for sure)
MY faith (God is at the top of all my lists and has revived my life!)
Friends (some people come and go from our lives, and some friends just remain a huge part of our hearts)
My Health! (my heart continues to heal and gain strength as the days go by, praise God!)

So, as you can see… there are so many gifts to reflect on and I love to use November as a time to do so.
I encourage you to make your own list, or many, as you go through this delightful month!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nosh On:)

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